
Connect Fest gathers tech community from the entire world in Porto this September

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Filipa Brito

Stay tuned as Porto will host a tech community event on 5 and 6 September: Connect Fest gathers both professionals and enthusiasts and seeks to become the largest event of this type in Portugal.

The event will be held at the "Ordem dos Contabilistas" ["Accountants Association", free translation] and it will be an excellent opportunity to learn by knowledge sharing and to exchange different perspectives, as conferences bring together people from all parts of the globe, likeminded people and industry peers, who share a common discipline or field.

The target audience are programmers, engineers and tech enthusiasts, who will be able to develop new professional relationships, meet new friends, gain knowledge and find career opportunities.

National and international speakers from Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Bosch will lecture on tech issues, and confirmed experts are Macy Kuang, of Miaomiao Games, Dinis Guarda, of Ztudium, Joe Birch, of Buffer, Julio Faerman, of Amazon, Luciano Resende and Arnaud Le Hors, of IBM. Other names will be revealed soon.

These renowned experts will focus on solving problems with new and inspiring perspectives, namely Artificial Intelligence, data science, agile, UX, security, block chain, IoT, accessibility, virtual reality and devOps.

The Connect Fest will gather around 700 participants, comprising 28 conferences and 8 workshops. This event is sponsored by IoT leader company Bosch. Porto City Hall also supports the initiative.

There are a limited number of seats, so make sure you have yours.

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