
Consumers’ choice grants Five star Prize to the Serralves Foundation

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Filipa Brito

The Prize “Cinco Estrelas Regiões” [“Five stars Region”, free translation] was afforded to the Serralves Foundation, which is described “as a European reference” and “one of the main cultural institutions when it comes to disseminating Contemporary Art, besides being a heritage asset that is classified as national monument”. This is the 4th edition of the competition, and consumers voted in the Serralves Foundation in the category Museums.

This acknowledgment is telling of the level of satisfaction by visitors, who based their assessment views on satisfaction regarding experimentation, price-quality ratio, purchase intent and recommendation to buy, as well as brand trust and innovation.

The Prize “Cinco Estrelas Regiões” is aimed at acknowledging and raising awareness on the best each national region has to offer, by spotlighting a core group of brands and local bushiness that are well welcomed by consumers. The winners in various categories were chosen following voting results in the areas of natural resources, gastronomy, art and culture, monuments, patrimony, among other.

In total, 112 region landmarks and 85 brands were spotlighted at national level. The award is inspired by the five stars concept assessment, which measures the satisfaction degree by consumers as regards products, services and brands. Circa 346 thousand Portuguese participated in this edition.

“The Prize Cinco Estrelas Regiões applies to products and services at regional level, and the purpose is to endear the impact that companies have regarding the promotion of our country, economic and socially wise, besides the patrimonial value that characterises and validates our country in the tourism sector, as well, in each region”, as stated by the organisation.