
Culture that flows through the city and lives in its people, in Porto

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"To look at a city as if it were one body, and the people that live in it its cultural agents", this was Paulo Cunha e Silva definition of his "Liquid City".

Paulo Cunha e Silva borrowed this definition from the introduced concept "Liquid Modernity" by the Polish-British sociologist Zygmunt Bauman, and adapted it to his vision of a city where cultural transformation occurs because culture is made all over the city, within the city, from the existing cultural institutions in the city; thus, culture expands, building a shared community culture in public spaces and venues.

Last weekend, Porto was home to another event under the "Cultura em Expansão" programme, ["Expanding Culture", free translation]; on 7th March, the Church of São Pedro de Miragaia was stage to a concert by Lula Pena, and the auditorium of Campanhã hosted a performance by Miguel Pereira.

Lula Pena is a singer, guitar player, songwriter and musician that took the stage at the Church of São Pedro de Miragaia to present her latest work -"Archivo Pittoresco" - featuring a repertoire of musicality and lyrics by Manos Hadjidakis, Violeta Parra, Scutenaire and Lula Pena herself.

The event was access free, as all events of "Cultura em Expansão", and the public filled the venue.

Also, the night before, the Auditorium of Campanhã" hosted the performance "A Dança da Minha História" ["The dance of My Story", free translation] to the parish of Campanhã, by choreographer and dancer Miguel Pereira.

All activities of the "Cultura em Expansão" can be followed by the Facebook page, on issuu, or HERE.