
Direct procurement to artists in Porto with the project "Aquisições"

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Alinhamento tumular organizado, com memória, sobre um campo retangular de cor verde / Pires Vieira (

The project "Aquisições", which reactivated the Municipal Art Collection in Porto, features the possibility to direct procurement of artwork by artists of Porto, up to the maximum value of 2.000 euros, between 14th and 27th May. 

This initiative, which main goal is to boost and highlight Porto's artistic patrimony, features the regular procurement of artwork displayed in exhibitions in art galleries across town, and the result was the increase of the Municipal Art Collection since 2012.

The project, which is run by Ágora's department of Contemporary Art and Cinema, is supplemented by a new budget of 35 mil euros (plus VAT for each procurement), meant to the direct procurement to artists and group of artists in the city of Porto, who develop artwork in the area of visual arts, and that can submit a procurement suggestion up to a maximum of 2.000 euros to the current Procurement Committee, between 14th and 27th May.

For procurement suggestions please see the platform Pláka website.

In the past two years, the Municipal Art Collection was increased with 28 new artworks - 12 in 2018 and 16 in 2019 - purchased to several arts galleries in the city.

All the purchased artworks, in the framework of this "Aquisições" programme can be consulted in the plataforma Pláka website at