
Enjoy workshops, concerts and documentaries at Bombarda Arts Quarter

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Fiipa Brito

The most artistic of all quarters in Porto, Bombarda invites to concerts, workshops and documentaries, starting at 4pm and extending till 8pm, complying with all health measures in place.

Contemporary Art Galleries, alternative commercial spaces and ateliers await you for the second edition of "Bombarda em Casa", which features an experimental rehearsal, a documentary and three concerts, curated by Matéria Prima, a project by "Bairro das Artes" that celebrates its 30th anniversary this year.

Street entertainment that normally go along Simultaneous Openings (Inaugurações Simultâneas) will be presented in digital format, and can be enjoyed via Ágora's Facebook, between 4m and 6.30pm.

This multimedia narrative will also be available on YouTube.

Access to Bombarda Arts Quarter follows all DGS public health guidelines, so it is advisable to book visits by email.

PROGRAMME | 4pm - 6.30pm


- Coletivo Vandalismo

- Dies Lexic (Xavier Paes & Inês Tartaruga)

- Fusco (Nils Meisel)

Screening of the documentary "Favela TV", by Inês Castanheira;

"Tapbum", workshop delivered by Sismo Synths: brief intro to tapbum, a small analogical device that enables to create sound loops, industrial sounds, drum sounds, etc.

To prior booking of visits, please see all contacts HERE.