
Exhibit on the processes of memory at the House Museum Abel Salazar

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"experimentum memoriae" by Cláudia Lopes is on show at House-Museum Abel Salazar. Entrance is free.

This is a site-specific installation, where visitors can actually connect to the acquis of the House-Museum Abel Salazar. The work by visual artist Cláudia Lopes, on show till 4th February, conveys the construction processes of immaterial geography within the individual and collective memory; hence the theme "experimentum memoriae" for this exhibit, aimed at displaying a sort of atlas or archive.

The artists organised this show in the scope of her PhD thesis in Art and Design of the faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto. This project has been granted a research grant by the Foundation for Science and Technology.

The project connects a wide range of issues, from Arts to Philosophy, or Literature and Politics, as well as physics and Biology.

There is still time to appreciate this work at House-Musuem Abel Salazar, till 1st February. Entrance is free.
