
Exhibits in the Portuguese Photography Centre to visit over the weekend

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Exhibits in the Portuguese Photography Centre (cpf) to visit over the weekend include the exhibits "Open a bottle of Port" and "Tell the world about us".

"Open a bottle of Port"

Visitors can "Open a bottle of Port" at the Portuguese Photography Centre, on show till 11 August.

The exhibit features the cycle of Port wine and it includes a selection of images by the National Collection of Photography, from the Alvão Photography Archives, namely Aurélio da Paz dos Reis, and others.

Also included is a series of publications on the issue, as well as a camera and other photographic gear.

Visitors are invited to get acquainted with the circuit of Porto wine production, a symbol in the entire world and the proud of Portuguese people.

"Tell the world about us"

"Tell the world about us" opens on 13 July, at 3.30pm, at the Portuguese Photography Centre; it is a photographic exhibit on lost freedom and on human dignity by Norwegian photographer Rune Eraker.

Through the bars of his solitary cell, in a political prisoner's prison, a prisoner was able to get through a piece of paper to the outside world, when a guard was momentarily distracted; it read: "Tell the world we exist". The year was 2001.

"This anonymous cry of help in Colombia stripped me of my inner peace, and the discomfort of having met him, and many others like him, forced me, in a way, to act. This was a four year project, where I have looked for other forgotten prisoners, whose freedom was stolen", affirms Rune Eraker.

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