
Film by Leonor Teles about Porto wins Venice Short Film Nomination for the European Film Awards 2019

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Miguel Nogueira

The film by Portuguese diretor Leonor Teles, "Cães que ladram aos pássaros" [Dogs barking at birds] was awarded the Venice Short Film Nomination for the European Film Awards 2019, on 8 September in Venice.

The film was commissioned by Porto City Hall in the framework of the Cultura em Expansão ["Expanding Culture", free translation], a concept created by Paulo Cunha e Silva, former councilman for Culture, to extend culture to those who have fewer opportunities to be near the cultural processes or activities, will for the first time include all parishes of Porto.

Leonor Teles took up an artistic residency in Porto and conveyed to the screen Porto's people and scene.

There were 19 feature films and 13 short films in competition, under the Orizzonti Awards, and the Jury of the 76th Venice International Film Festival was chaired by Susanna Nicchiarelli and composed of Eva Sangiorgi, Álvaro Brechner, Mark Adams, Rachid Bouchareb.

See here for further information.