
FINDE.U Porto is back with over 3000 job opportunities

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The University of Porto organises the International Job Fair - FINDE.U and offers more than 3000 job opportunities. It runs from 29th October until 30th October, at Exponor.

This is a free access event and the University of Porto provides free transportation from the da Asprela and Campo Alegre to the Job Fair site, at Exponor.

The two-day event is expected to draw over two thousand people to Exponor - number reached in 2018 - and more than 100 companies will be present to capture new talents in the management, economy, engineering and marketing fields.

Students can approach recruiters directly and apply to the available job opportunities. It is advisable that each participant registers previously at the online platform, which enables the direct upload of the CV into a database, accessible to all companies of the FINDE.U.

Altronix, Deloitte, Faurecia, Grupo Casais, Lactogal, Lufthansa and Sonae are some of the companies to be present at FINDE.U.

Moreover, participants will be able to get to know some innovative projev«cts by the University of Porto, namely Didimo, EZ4U, Strongstep and Xpectraltek, four UP's spin-off looking for talents linked to technology, marketing and design.

This event is held in the framework of the strategy developed by the Municipality of Porto, of attracting and retaining talents and promoting employability of students of the University of Porto, thus boosting the connection between the labor market, reference companies and future candidates to job offers.

FINDE.U Job Fair is an International Job Fair organised by Porto University, jointly with UTAD (Trás-os-Montes & Alto Douro) and Vigo Universities, in cooperation with IEFP / EURES Portugal and EURES Crossborder Galicia North of Portugal.

Find more about this event HERE.