
How to build a sustainable city? Find how in Porto on 30 and 31 January!

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"Together we shape a sustainable urban future"! This is the motto of the CITIES Forum 2020, which runs in Porto on 30th and 31st January.

This two-day major event is jointly organised by the European Commission, the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy and the City of Porto.

Porto plays host to key stakeholders from European, national and local levels that gather at Porto Customs to share best practices and to launch a broader reflection on the future of urban development.

This debate is held in the scope of the Urban Agenda for the EU, as far as Cohesion Policy is concerned.

Day one includes two workshops in Porto, to showcase the city's achievements regarding technology solutions and climate and environmental issues at specific locations in the city. Also, there will be a CityLab to debate territorial development within the renewal of the Leipzig Charter.

Also, the programme for the 30th January features welcoming words and introductions of renowned speakers, as well as two panel discussions on the topics "how will the European Urban Initiative support cities" and "shaping the future of sustainable urban development including the Urban Agenda for the EU".

Day two programming includes the delivery of several parallel workshops, which will enable the establishment of an urban workshop 'menu'.

European cities will share best practises on European Regional Development Funds, debating the outcome of the Urban Agenda, namely the transition towards a circular economy and the issues cities face related to housing and equal access to services for all.

The key words for this second day are Jobs&Skills and digital transformation in cities and communities.

Following the workshops, Mayors from different EU cities will share current challenges and visions on the best way forward regarding urban policy making and urban investments.

In addition, there will be different sessions to showcase the progress as far the Urban Agenda Partnerships is concerned and also how to locally apply the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

A small exhibition, where urban organisations and networks host stands to engage and provide information on urban programmes and initiatives, takes place at Porto Customs for the duration of the event.
