
In the mood for jazz at the Gardens of Palácio de Cristal this August

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Porto hosts the cycle "Porta-Jazz ao Relento" ["Outdoor Festival Porta-Jazz", free translation] every Saturday in August, offering 5 concerts that will bring new narratives in jazz through premieres and unique artistic partnerships. There will be a DJ set after the performances (till 1am) and audiences will be able to revive the Jazz mood.

Everyone is invited, the general public and connoisseurs, music students and newcomers to blend with performers, as this is an entrance free initiative.

There will be a wine bar and also a specialised area devoted to jazz record sales for jazz aficionados.

The "Jazz ao Relento" is a free access event, and it is part of the "Verão é no Porto" ["Summer in Porto", free translation] programming.

The Jazz Cycle line up is organised by Associação Porta-Jazz, whose mission is to give lesser known artists from Porto the chance to showcase their work.

Porta-Jazz Festival is a key part of the cultural scene in the city, and it is also an important reference for jazz in Portugal.


Saturday, 3 August

10pm/11pm - Pedro Neves Trio "Murmuration"

11pm/01am - Pedro Tenreiro (DJ set)

Saturday, 10 August

10pm/11pm - The Rite of Trio

211pm/01am - Luca Massolin (DJ set)

Saturday, 17 August

10pm/11pm - João Mortágua "Dentro da Janela"

11pm/01am - José Marrucho and João Guimarães (DJ Set)

Saturday, 24 August

10pm/11pm - Demian Cabaud "Aparición"

11pm/01am - Senhor Guimarães (DJ Set)

Saturday, 31 August

10pm/11pm - Jeffery Davis Quinteto "For Mad People Only"

11pm/01am - Marcos Cruz (DJ Set)

+ Info: Porta-Jazz