
Jazz is a sure bet this autumn at Casa da Música

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#DR-Salvador Sobral Outono em Jazz.jpg


Jazz is a sure bet this autumn at Casa da Música with Portuguese artists: set the agenda from 4th till 25th October

This a different autumn, with all the constraints regarding a public health crisis a world level; nevertheless, some things remain the same, with the "Outono em Jazz" event featuring the work by Portuguese musicians.

This is the event's 8th edition, which kicked off last Sunday, 4th October - presenting Maria João and the Pablo Lapidusas trio - and runs until 25th October, at the Sala Suggia at Casa da Música, presenting an eclectic poster of Contemporary Jazz performances, as usual.

The Matosinhos Jazz Orchestra takes to the stage on 11th October, to render a tribute to Miles Davis and Gil Evans, and on 18th October, it is time for the Coreto Porta-Jazz to perform, led by its founder and saxophonist João Pedro Brandão.

Salvador Sobral goes on stage on 22nd October with the quintet that will record his next original album that will be launched in the beginning of next year. Expect to hear some of the new songs.

 The final concert of the "Outono em Jazz", on 25th October, brings pianist Daniel Bernardes to the Sala Suggia to perform some pieces by Olivier Messiaen, accompanied on stage by the Drumming Percussion Group.

Concerts start at 9.30pm and ticket price is 7.5 € per concert.

See HERE the full programme