
New talents Concert at Rivoli features Joana Weffort & Inês Pais

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Joana Weffort and Inês Pais will perform a violin concert at Rivoli Theatre, on 25th January, scheduled for 5pm.
This concert is held in the scope of the New Talents initiative by Silva Monteiro Music Programme. 

Both Joana Weffort and Inês Pais are students at the High School for Applied Arts.

Joana Weffort has performed solo with the Portuguese National Conservatory Symphonic Orchestra, with the Instrument Training and Orchestra of ESART and wit the Ensemble of the Portuguese Philharmonic Orchestra. She took part in masterclasses with Barbara Doll, Eszter Haffner, Peter Stark, Andrey Baranov and Mayuko Kamio.

She is an invitee of the Portuguese Philharmonic Orchestra and she has also performed with The World Orchestra. She has also participated in the "Side by Side" project, by the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra and with the Gulbenkian Orchestra.

She has also worked with maestros such as Semyon Bychkov, Jean-Sébastien Béreau, Peter Stark, Lorenzo Viotti, Osvaldo Ferreira, Julien Benichou, Tobias Gossmann, Joana Carneiro, Josep Vicent and Dietrich Paredes.

Inês Pais took masterclasses with Eszter Haffner, Bárbara Doll, Pavel Myliukov and Mayuko Kamio. She won fisrt prize in the International Competition Paços' Premium and second place at the Cidade do Fundão International Competition.

She has performed with maestros Alexander Chernushenko, Nazanin Aghakhani, Osvaldo Ferreira, Jean-Sébastien Béreau and Peter Stark. She took part in the Aurora Fine Arts Festival in Sweeden, in 2017, in the International Festival Vara Magica, the prvious years and in the Young Euro Classic, in Berlin, in 2015.

She is also an invitee of the Portuguese Philharmonic Orchestra.

Both musicians are mentored by professors Augusto and Alexandra Trindade.
