
Online special session takes poetry into your life to boost wellbeing

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Porto Municipal Theatre, in collaboration with Quintas de Leitura, invites to a special online session devoted to poetry, on 21st May, starting at 10pm. 

It is no secret that poetry boosts mental wellness and propels people to engage in positive thoughts.

Porto poetic cycle invites to "a luminous and simple exercise, by connecting our hearts and emotions online around Portuguese poetry and the values that sustain our actions; freedom, love and future".

The initiative "Sem dias de solidão" ["One hundred times no solitude", free translation] features the art of reciting and reading poetry by artists from the fields of music, new circus and image. Together, they will embody hope.

Poetry might not be a life saviour, but it sure teaches resilience, and this one can save lives. Like Ferlingheti puts it: "As long as there is an unknown there will be poetry".
