
Orchestra Solidarity Concert at Casa da Música on 25 April

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The next 25 April, by 7pm, the stage of the Sala Suggia, at Casa da Música, will hold a solidarity concert. When purchasing a ticket, a part of the value will revert to the "Associação de Apoio à Infância Casa do Caminho", an Association that helps Infants and the Institute for Pathology and Molecular Immunology of Porto University - IPATIMUP.

Be sure to help and enjoy a magical evening with great masters of music that will gather 200 musicians on stage, including the choir of Ensemble Vocal Pro Musica of Porto and the orchestra and the symphonic band of West Windsor-Plainsboro High School North, New Jersey, in the United States of America.

Also, many underprivileged children, who have never had the opportunity to enjoy such an occasion, will be invited to attend the concert.

The solidarity concert themed "Liberdade para Crescer" ["Freedom do Grow", free translation] is organised by the Ensemble Vocal Pro Musica, the West Windsor-Plainsboro High School North and the Lions Clube Porto-Boavista, with the support of Porto City Hall.

Tickets cost 10 euros and are available for purchase at Casa da Música.