
Porto is in Bangkok to take part in the Sister Cities Week 2019

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The President of the Municipal Assembly of Porto, Miguel Pereira Leite is in Bangkok to take part in the Sister Cities Week 2019.
The mission of such an event is to create bonds between different cities all around the world. The Municipality of Porto is represented at the highest level by the President of the Municipal Assembly to build partnerships and contribute to people-to-people interaction, namely regarding cooperation arrangements. 

Today, 1 July marks the closing day of this event, which gathers in the capital city of Thailand 19 sister cities or cities linked by cooperation agreements, like Porto.

Miguel Pereira Leite was welcomed by the Vice-Governor of Bangkok, Kriangyos Sudlabha. His official agenda included interviews with the local media and contacts with leaders of some cities, namely Asian cities such as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam), Seoul (South Korea), Beijing and Shanghai (China) and Jakarta (Indonesia).

The Sister Cities Week 2019 includes an intense cultural programme, from popular music and erudite, with every city featuring an artists in a respective area. Portugal is represented by pianist Raul da Cruz.

As of last year, Porto and Bangkok have established a Cooperation Agreement in Tourism.