
Porto Municipal Gallery reopens on 2nd June with rescheduled exhibitions

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Filipa Brito

Porto Municipal Gallery (GMP) reopens to the public on 2nd June, following the recommendations of reduced occupancy and social distancing by the Council of Ministers of 30th April, regarding the opening of museums, monuments and palaces, art galleries and equivalent.

To guarantee the safety of visitors and staff, the use of masks is mandatory and the maximum number of visitors is limited to 20 people on the first floor and 10 people on the mezzanine.

To make sure that all exhibition projects announced in February are carried out, the exhibition calendar for 2020 e 2021 was reviewed by the Gallery's artistic team, jointly with all artists, curators and partners.

The Municipal Gallery will reopen with "Masks", curated by João Laia and Valentinas Klimasauskas, and "Apesar de não estar, estou muito" by Diogo Jesus, curated by João Ribas.

GMP will not carry out any event related to the inaugurations. Both exhibitions can be visited till 16th August, within the Gallery's working hours.

The postponing of exhibitions led to the need to extend exhibitions till 14th November 2020, and only then will the Gallery close doors to start renovation works previously as previously arranged.

See HERE the full programming of Porto Municipal Gallery.