
Porto Municipal Library cards grant free access to over seven thousand newspapers and magazines

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Filipa Brito

If you are a registered reader of Porto Municipal Libraries know that you are granted free access to over seven thousand newspapers and magazines. We are talking over 7.400 national and international newspapers and magazines, namely Público, Jornal de Notícias, O Jogo, Vogue, The Washington Post and The Guardian.

Registered library readers can access via Press Reader platform, available through the website or the app, then insert Porto Municipal Libraries card number and the respective pin.

Porto City Hall very much welcomes the fact that the libraries in the Municipality of Porto are "pioneers in offering this innovative service, enabling a sustainable, global, easy and accessible reading", furthering that "the post pandemic meant a subsequent decrease in newspapers and periodicals in hard copy, the proliferation of fake news and, alongside, the permanent need to access to reliable and updated sources of information, and direct access means a definite advantage to citizens, thus helping develop critical skills and knowledge on several topics".

The digital platform provides access to publications from over 150 countries, in more than 60 languages, thus leading to an immersive reading experience. National publications include 89 magazines and 19 newspapers.

You can search publications by title description, language or category, customize your profile according to your specific topics of interest and also benefit from listening tools and text translation.

See here for more information.