
Artwork by painter Graça Morais on display at Soares dos Reis National Museum

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The exhibit 'Metamorfoses da Humanidade', ["Metamorphosis of Humanity", free translation], by Portuguese painter Graça Morais will be on display at National Museum Soares dos Reis, in Porto, from 25 July to 29 September.

This display by the Portuguese painter, who was awarded the Cultural Merit Medal in March 2019 features over eighty drawings and paintings on "the multiple faces of human nature, with its frailties and its predatorily terrified attitudes".

This is a recurrent theme in the artist's work and this exhibition "deals with our daily fears: war, exclusion, absolute loss, hunger and death".

But, alongside the wilfulness and the fortitude to destroy, the will to deny the humanity of the other, in his humanity and dignity "this exhibit also showcases hope, empathy towards the victims" and the ability "to give a voice to those who don't have it".

The display can be visited from Tuesday to Sunday, between 10am and 6pm. Ticket costs 5€.