
“Qui a tué mon père” premières at São João National Theatre

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The Teatro Nacional São João (TNSJ) takes to the stage the national premiere of the work “Qui a Tué Mon Père” [“Quem Matou o Meu Pai”. In Portuguese], this 7th and 8th January, at 7pm. The performance was especially designed as a theatre play by the novelist Édouard Louis, in 2018.

This is a story on manhood, a son that displays his father’s biography, namely child traumatic memories and the “social death” of his father. This is not a straightforward account, but one that includes “jokes about the father/son relationship”, from more disturbed times, some even violent, to other happier moments, which are the symbol of the love between a parent and a child”, as highlighted by the organisation.

On stage, the veteran actor and stage director of the Starsbourg National Theatre Stanislas Nordey, plays the solo and “points the finger to the main figures of the French political scene, at the time the book was launched, namely Jacques Chirac, Nicolas Sarkozy, François Hollande and Emmanuel Macron, current President of France”.

“Qui a Tué Mon Père” [“Who killed my Father”] might sound like a question, but it is not entirely. “It is rather the direct accusation by the young writer Édouard Louis to the ones responsible for his father’s death, expressed by the means of a “confrontational literature”.

The show is, for the first time, taken to the stages in Portugal, under the programme “O Olhar de Ulisses” by the TNSJ, following its debut at the Théâtre National de Strasbourg, in 2019.

The play is on stage on Thursday and Friday, 7th and 8th January, at 7pm. The performance is delivered in French, with Portuguese subtitles.
