
Retrospective of Wim Wenders' cinematrographic work

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The retrospective of Wim Wenders' cinematographic work at Campo Alegre brings back 15 restored digital copies of films by the director himself.

When asked, in 1987, about his reason for filming, in the scope of the Special Libération Journal "Pourquoi filmez-vous? 700 cinéastes du monde entier répondent", Wim Wenders answered the following:

"In all senses? what weird question: why do I film? Well, because? something happens, we see it happening, we film it as it happens, the camera watches, keeps it and we can contemplate it repeatedly, more than once. That thing might not be possible anymore, but the contemplation is, the truth of this thing existing is not lost. [...] The progressive destruction of the outside world perception is, for an instant, suspended. The camera is a weapon against the misery of things, namely its disappearing".

This retrospective shows the films that Wenders directed between 1972 and 2016, many in restored copies by the director. It runs at Campo Alegre theatre, from 19th December until 8 January 2020.
