
Serralves hosts a new edition of "Jazz in the Park"

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João Queirós

July is just around the corner, and with it the new edition of "Jazz in the Park", on 4th, 11th and 18th July, at the Tennis Court of the Serralves Park. 

This year's edition brings three concerts and a programme "entirely delivered by Portuguese musicians".

According to Serralves, this choice has to do with the fact that "Portuguese artists need a stage in this very difficult moment we are living".

The cycle kicks off on 4th July with a show by GUME, led by trumpet player Yaw Tembe, one of the fewest examples of the direct influence of African music in the national Jazz scene, who will be premiering a new repertoire.

The musician will take to the stage with Francisco Menezes (Saxophone, flute), André David (guitar), Pedro Monteiro (double bass), Sebastião Bergmann (drums), David Menezes (percussion), Raquel Lima (vocals), Leonor Arnaut (vocals), Maria do Mar (violin), Gil Dionísio (violin), Joana Guerra (Celo) and André Murraças (tenor saxophone).

The second concert, scheduled for 11th July, is the result of "a request to one of the most inspiring names in Portuguese creative music, Paulo Chagas", as stated by Serralves. Bogus Pomp, by Paulo Chagas, will perform tunes of the "The Deathless Horsie" project.

The closing programming of the "Jazz no Parque" ["Jazz in the Park", free translation] cycle, on 18th July, features Cíntia, represented by Simão Bárcia (guitar, electronics), Tom Maciel (keyboard) and Ricardo Oliveira (drums).

This concert is an "indication of what will Jazz be in the future among us, especially when a very young band is standing out due to the unusual ripeness and richness of ideas".

Concerts start at 6pm and tickets cost 10 euros.