
Sheffield boasted gracefully as City of the Year 2020 finalist, while spotlighting Porto as a merited winner

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Porto was voted European City of the Year at the 2020 Urbanism Award, in a ceremony that took place in London, on 27 November 2019. Second and third podium places went to Sheffield in England and Utrecht in the Netherlands.

What we have learned this week is that second and third places can also be winning situations, as Sheffield well noted it in its add, to be placed in Estates Gazette as part of the MIPIM comms, which will run from 10 to 13 March 2020, at Cannes, France.

While boasting for themselves as a great city, in an ad for MIPIM, Sheffield boasted for Porto gracefully as the merited winner of the European City of the Year 2020 Urbanism Awards.

The ad reads as follows: "It probably won't surprise you that Porto won European City of the Year 2020. It probably will surprise you that Sheffield was one of the other two finalists".

Go Sheffield!

This award is granted by the Academy of Urbanism, a politically independent, not-for-profit organisation that brings together both the current and next generation of urban leaders, thinkers and practitioners.

Porto was elected European City of the year, on the occasion of "The Urbanism Awards 2020", which was held in London on 27th November 2019. There were 15 finalists and three made it to podium places: Porto, Portugal; Sheffield, England; and Utrecht, Netherlands, on that order.

"This year's Awards are particularly focused on places that have been through transformation from a past based predominantly on industries to a new basis for their present and future", as stated by the organisation.