
Siza Vieira and Souto de Moura talk about architecture. Enough said!

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Miguel Nogueira

The two Portuguese Pritzker Prize, Álvaro Siza and Souto de Moura, will talk about their work during the cycle "Diálogos Cruzados" ["Intersected Dialogues", free translation]. Historians and architecture critics will complement the debate, on 10 and 11 January, in Porto and in Matosinhos.

This not-to-be missed opportunity to listen to two of the greatest architects in the world talking about each other's work in the same room will unveil in two separate moments; the first will take place in Porto, on 10 January, at 7pm, hosted by the Serralves Foundation, and the second moment is to take place at Casa da Arquitetura, in Matosinhos, on 11 January, at 4pm.

In a statement sent to newsrooms, "the architects will discuss each other's work, talking about both exhibitions hosted by Serralves Contemporary Art Museum and Casa da Arquitectura, where Siza Vieira and Souto Moura hold an exhibition each: "
Álvaro Siza - IN/DISCIPLINE" and "Souto de Moura: MEMÓRIA, PROJECTOS, OBRAS", respectively.

Eduardo Souto de Moura will debate Sizas'work with Kenneth Frampton and Álvaro Siza will talk about Souto de Moura's work with Francesco Dal Co.


10 January, 7pm

Eduardo Souto de Moura and Kenneth Frampton, moderated by Nuno Grande and Carles Muro

Serralves Auditorium

Tickets: 3 euros

11 January, 4pm

Siza Vieira and Francesco Dal Co, moderated by Nuno Graça Moura and Carlos Machado

Casa da Arquitectura

Tickets: 3 euros

Tickets can be purchased at and at

This event is jointly organised by the Museum of Contemporary Art of Serralves, in Porto, and by the Casa da Arquitectura - Portuguese Centre for Architecture, in Matosinhos.