
Straight from the Renaissance to Casa da Música: the tonality of Baroque music

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Casa da Música presents the 15th edition of "À Volta do Barroco" initiative, which runs from 2nd to 17th November.

The choir symphonic work is devoted to the pieces by Mendelssohn, a German composer, pianist, organist and conductor of the early Romantic period.

Acknowledged as a musical prodigy, Mendelssohn revived interest in the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, particularly with his performance of the St Matthew Passion in 1829.

Both the Baroque Orchestra and Music Ensemble present unique music at Casa da Música. The Baroque Orchestra Brandenburg plays the Concerto No. 3 in G major, which encompasses multiple geographies. The Choir embraces the Portuguese polyphony, closing the festival with the collaboration of the band "Sete Lágrimas" and the duo "Sofia Diniz and Fernando Miguel Jalôto".

See the full programme here.