
Students of Porto Ballet School take to the stage at Coliseu Porto Ageas

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Filipa Brito

The performance “Ballet Concerto”, by the students of the Porto Ballet School takes to the stage at Coliseu Porto Ageas on 18 June, at 9 pm. This show is the consolidation of the work developed by the school during the pandemic. See here for more information.

The “Ballet Concerto” performance features two distinctive moments; a first instant represents the consolidation of the work carried out by the school during lockdown, with students performing a concert class, and with dancers having the opportunity to display a full sequence of a classical ballet class. The session is accompanied on the piano by Marta Sousa.

A second instant focuses on the work by a dancer that will present original choreographies within different dance genres, such as Classic, Neoclassic, Contemporary and Jazz.

The original repertoire, with artistic direction and production by Cuca Anacoreta, includes the following choreographies: “Gente da minha Terra”, “Beethoven”, “Piano”, “Waves”, “A Filha do Faraó”, “Inspiração”, “Dancing on my own”, “Little Cupidos”, “Pizzicato”, “Pas de trois des Odalisques”, “Roxanne”, “Einaudi”, “Dark Paradise”, “Amadeus”, “Viva la vida” and “Dançar abem”.

For more information, please consult Coliseu Porto Ageas.