
The Aquaporto Festival encourages to take care of the planet Earth everyday

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The "Planeta Água" ["Planet Water", free translation] is the key issue of the Aquaporto 2019 Festival sixth edition, from 11th to 13th October, at the City Park.
This event is held on an annual basis and the programme includes science, entertainment and culture to the City Park this October. 

The goal is to call on citizens' attention to the pressing need to care about water. The topic of water security for people and for the environment is crucial as this and the coming generations are urged to change the way planet Earth is explored.

The terrestrial globe is the central image for the Aquaporto 2019, which was painted by graffiter from Porto, Hazul, for the renovated Water Pavilion.

The event is promoted by Porto City Hall and the target audience is the school community, families, tourists and visitors to the city that can enjoy a full programming devoted to the simple things anyone can do to help our environment.

Aquaporto 2019 runs from 10am till 7pm. Entrance is free.