
The Galeria da Biodiversidade is "Clean & Safe" approved

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Miguel Nogueira

The Galeria da Biodiversidade of the U.Porto is among the 13 Ciência Viva centres to have been granted the "Clean & Safe" certification regarding Covid-19 prevention, by Turismo de Portugal jointly with Ciência Viva - Agência Nacional for Scientific and Technological Culture. 

Turismo de Portugal created this seal of approval to rate tourist activities that are compliant with hygiene and cleaning requirements to fight the ongoing pandemic, in line with the measures issued by the Directorate-General for Health (DGS).

This means that visitors must comply with such preventive measures as social distancing, hand sanitation and mandatory use of face masks.

In total, there are now 13 Ciência Viva Centres that were granted the "Clean & Safe" certification. This initiative aims to boost the resumption of tourism activities, both nationally and at international level, strengthening public confidence in Portugal as a destination and in its touristic assets.

The Biodiversity Gallery - Living Science Centre of Museum of Natural History and Science of the University of Porto, located at the Porto Botanical Garden, opened doors last 2nd June, following a two-month shutdown due to the current pandemic.

There are a set of rigorous Covid-19 preventive measures in place to ensure both visitors and staff are safe in the facilities and that activities are carried out in line with the health guidelines issued by the DGS.