
The National Modern Orchestra wants to increase popular access to Music in the country's interior

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The name of the project is "Orquestra Nacional Moderna" ["National Modern Orchestra", free translation] and the goal is to offer orchestra concerts on a regular basis, under the programme "Música para uma noite de sonho" ["Music for a Night's dream", free translation] in the interior of the country, as announced by Lusa Agency.

According to the project's Artistic Director, Fernando Costa, the Modern National Orchestra is an "orchestral professional project, created in the end of 2018 and it includes 21 young graduates, with orchestral practices", in all areas of Portugal, which offers concerts "on a regular basis", starting this June. The locations will be announced shortly".

"Our main focus is to intervene in areas of the country where there are no orchestral events. [...] These normally happen close to the narrow band to the North and South coastlines, so there is no offer regarding the interior of the country", affirmed Fernando Costa.

"As there are many people who haven't seen the ocean, there are also people who have never heard an orchestra play, and artists have this power to convey culture", added Fernando Costa.

The aim is to deconstruct the traditional and formal concept of what an orchestra is, as well as the repertoire itself. The programme includes pieces by Tchaikovsky, Chopin and Kurt Weil, as well highlighting performances by local musicians.

Regarding funding, the Artistic Director said he is interested in involving companies in this important social and cultural mission, as well as the municipalities and what they hold in their budgets for culture.