
The University of Porto puts in place Active Breaks to increase physical and emotional health

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The Active Break project was first established in February 2019, at the Rectory of the University of Porto; since then, other faculties have joined the project, namely the Faculties of Architecture, Fine Arts, Sciences, Engineering, Pharmacy and Medicine, the Abel Salazar Biomedical Sciences Institute (ICBAS) and the Science and Technology Park of Porto (UPTEC).

The "Pausa Ativa" helps staff members to "partly curb the excessive sedentary lifestyle of our daily work" enhances Joana Carvalho, assistant rector of UP for Sports.

For 15 minutes, staff members are challenged to take a break and to stretch their muscles, under the supervision of Sports Science Faculty technicians.

Circa 500 U.Porto staff members take this break, twice a month, and "they have adhered to this project with enthusiasm and will power", explains Hugo Rodrigues, the project coordinator.

"Stretching certain muscles that are needed for daily activities, helps prevent postural problems. Also, the feedback is that workers feel they can relief some work-related stress", asserts Hugo Rodrigues.

In the future, the goal is to extend the "Active Break" project to other faculties of the University of Porto.

"We want to improve the University's life quality and these physical activity breaks must be a part of our daily working lives", concludes Hugo Rodrigues.

Also, according to research, breaks refresh the mind, replenish one's mental resources, and boost creativity.