
The urban renaissance of Porto

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In Porto, Mayor Rui Moreira and his team are aware that the construction of a city as a social and political space implies everyone and should be shared, with culture playing a crucial role.

"A new kind of associativism is emerging, and it is part of what I deem to be the urban renaissance of this city", affirmed historian and Professor Hélder Pacheco, President of the jury for the PopUP - Municipal Fund to support Popular Associativism, at a meeting between the Mayor, council leaders and citizens at Porto City Hall, on 9 September 2019, regarding the budget allocation for the 24 winning projects in the scope of the Municipal Fund for Popular Associativism, which have been unanimously approved.

Hélder Marques Pacheco, born in the parish of Vitória, Porto, is a researcher, writer and chronicler of the culture and popular traditions in Porto. He has run projects in the framework of cultural heritage, which have been published in 9 volumes, in the series Arts and Traditions, by the Directorate-General for Dissemination.

"It is a new type of middle class associativism. The cultural associativism, of free time occupation, and one which does not aim at substituting to the Social State", Hélder Pacheco enhanced.

The President of the PopUP underlined that the Municipality "should continue to make efforts", by extending the funds allocated to associativism, as "this is one of the city's most relevant traditions", which is emerging as the result "of urban renaissance in Porto", Hélder Pacheco reiterated.

The first edition of this initiative makes available grants of 400 mil euros and Mayor Rui Moreira accepts that this budget can be updated in the next edition, within the budgetary debate.

Mayor Rui Moreira also highlighted that the goal is precisely to emphasise the merit of such proposals, and because it is a tender, "we were aware we could not solve all the problems".

This is an innovative initiative and it is important that the associations "leave their Comfort zones" and apply for Fund Support, Rui Moreira explained.

In turn, Hélder Pacheco has seen "democracy in the making" in his "beloved city". Hélder Pacheco already said that tourism "is a great opportunity for Porto" and that this matter should be balanced "with no feelings of absence".