
There is a new song to celebrate Porto and Arnaldo Trindade wrote the lyrics. See how it goes

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Porto is again celebrated by another song. Arnaldo Trindade, the founder of Orfeu, the iconic record label, wrote the lyrics of the song themed "Porto Cidade". 

The song's video clip features black and white images of the city. Betó Souza-Pinto is in charge of music composition.

After 50 years, Arnaldo Trindade and Betó Souza-Pinto work together again and to a much celebrated reason: the new music project "Porto Cidade".

"The lyrics are like a love poem. Love to Porto, the city which I have known my whole life. It has got history, beauty, romance, it has got years of life", stated Arnaldo Trindade, in a recent interview to RTP TV network.

Composer Betó Souza-Pinto suggested that Arnaldo Trindade adapted the song to a Fado like tune, as the song was originally a São João dancing parade.

That is why, although this song was written and composed much earlier than the times of the current pandemic, the music is somewhat an analogy to the current way of life.

The vocals in "Porto Cidade" belong to Erea Castro and the video takes on images of a documentary on the life of Arnaldo Trindade, the visionary editor of Orfeu, the first record label in the world to have produced poetry records.

Throughout its 30 years of existence, the record label company produced over two thousand albums and worked with artists such as Zeca Afonso, José Régio, Sophia de Mello Breyner, Miguel Torga, Eugénio de Andrade, Aquilino Ribeiro, Jaime Cortesão, Ferreira de Castro, José Rodrigues Miguéis, Agustina Bessa Luís, Fernando Namora and Adriano Correia de Oliveira.