
Townsman Office encourages contact by phone or digital media

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Filipa Brito

Front desk Porto Municipal Services are taking preventive measures till 3rd April, as a consequence of the fast spread of the new coronavirus and the risk of contamination.

Following the recommendations by the General Directorate for Health, the Townsman Office that assists around seven hundred people per day, is now limiting assistance to 50 people simultaneously in the facilities, starting today, 12th March.

Thus, the Municipal Services encourage people to seek assistance by phone or digital media, such as the "Balcão Virtual", so as to avoid physical contact.

Also, the Municipal Company "Águas do Porto" confines its assistance services to 15 residents at a time, at Rua do Barão de Nova Sintra; the Office of the Municipal Tennant receives 20 residents simultaneously.

This strategy may be altered at any time, and the main message is that residents are required to use remote service providers, namely by phone or online services; teams have been strengthened by additional posts to respond to the situation:

> Gabinete do Munícipe I Townsman Office

  Phone service - 222 090 400

Balcão de Atendimento Virtual/ Fale Connosco (Talk to Us) -

Specialized information: WHO