
Visit National Geographic display at the Rectory of the University of Porto

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What to do this long weekend in Porto?

Here goes a suggestion: visit the renovated Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto and explore the National Geographic exhibit themed "Um Século e Tanto" ["Quite a Century", free translation], from 18th October 2019 till 19th July 2020, celebrating the 130 years of National Geographic's important work in the world.

The display includes objects, photographs, maps and excerpts of documentaries, captured by National Geographic collaborators over a century and three decades.

Discover the first photographs of the wild published by National Geographic, Jane Goodall's cuddling a newly born chimp or the discovery of Machu Picchu.

The exhibition is divided in nine sections, where visitors can get acquainted with the first years of the National Geographic Society, its present and future, as well as its mission.

The display is on show from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10am until 6pm, and visitors are able to buy a joint ticket to the "Sharks" exhibit, on show at the biodiversity Gallery - Centre of Living Science/ Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto.

+Info: see here