
What to see, listen and hear during the DDD week

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The DDD Festival week kicks-off today. Porto. will let you in a summary of what you can expect and long for the coming days.

On 8 and 9 May, the performance "DINH€IRO", which literally translates as "Money", premieres at Gaia Municipal Auditorium, at 7pm and at 10 pm, respectively.

mala voadora Theatre Company takes to the stage the Dallas or Dynasty type plot, resorting to hyperbole to exacerbate that kind of bizarre narrative. The clear distinction between "the good guys" and "the bad guys" is coupled with the search for rampant profits through oil exploration on one side and those battling for environmental causes, on the other. And this is a fierce confrontation.

Also on 8 and 9 May, mala voadora presents "Cinderella", at the Company's headquarters in Porto, at 7pm and 5pm respectively.

"Cinderella" features a dialogue on romantic love, and how resistance to change brings about social numbness. The starting point is the world famous account of two lovers, whose love is still a symbol of true romantic love nowadays. The play goes back to those archetypes to draft a new paradigm in modern society.

On 8 May, as well, "Captains of the Sands", a novel by Brazilian writer Jorge Amado is the inspiration of the performance "Margens", by Victor Hugo Pontes, which will go on stage at Rivoli, at 10pm.

Captains of the Sands is a Brazilian novel written by Jorge Amado in 1937. The novel tells of a gang of street children, aged from seven to sixteen, who make a living from begging, gambling, stealing in the streets of Salvador, in Bahia, Brazil.

Eighty years after the publishing of the book, Victor Hugo Pontes launches the debate on who the new captains of the Sands are, as there are still inequalities regarding the social living conditions of certain children, who have been deprived of parents, school and a meal on the table.

On 10 May, Ana Rita Teodoro features "Assombro" ["Awe", free translation], at Rivoli, Small Auditorium, scheduled for 7pm.

This is a solo performance with live paintings and songs that seem to come out from a dislocated mouth and astonishes audiences, combining traditional Portuguese singing and the ghosts that hunt us.

A theatre play, by Hugo Cruz, themed "Imóvel" ["Building", free translation], is presented on 9 May, at Street Mártires da Liberdade, n. 150 - Porto.

A condominium gathering brings three neighbours out of their isolation, and launches the debate on the concepts of "independency" and "identity". This is a play that portrays a generation in its forties that is stuck in a world that has collapsed and the world as they knew no longer exists; now they have to adapt to a new world, where the collective is seen with some degree of disbelief.

On 9 and 10 May, Theatre Helena Sá e Costa, in Porto takes to the stage "Geocide", a visual and sound performance, which navigates the issues of demographic mobility, Anthropocene, dystopic narratives, apocalyptic visions of the future, the post-human, and geopolitics. It is scheduled for 7pm and 3pm, respectively.

On 9 May, the Café Theatre Campo Alegre premieres the dance performance "Dream is the Dreamer", by Catarina Miranda, at 7pm.
The empty stage is taken by a convention of coordinates, where a convention of events is described and incorporated in order to establish a scenic temporality.  

In addition, on 9 and 10 May, at 10 pm and 5pm, respectively, Campo Alegre takes to the stage the performance by Vera Mantero, themed "As Práticas Propiciatórias dos Acontecimentos Futuros" ["Conducive practice to future events", free translation].

The basis for the development of this performance is the research and photographic materials by Ernesto de Sousa, who is the curator and multidisciplinary artist, on the topic of cinema, popular art and experimental art.

Concurrently, there are other type of activities, namely a public debate talk on the constraints of internationalization regarding artistic creation and what lies ahead regarding its feasibility. The debate is open to the general public.

The debate is guided by António Pinto Ribeiro. It starts at 10.30am, at the São João National Theatre Main Hall, in Porto.

The panel of speakers includes Nuno Moura (National Directorate of Arts), Tiago Guedes (Porto Municipal Theatre), Gonçalo Amorim (FITEI), Marcelo Alassino (Iberescena), Danilo Santos de Miranda (SESC São Paulo).

Besides, the exhibition "Em Casa", by Rui Palma is on display at the Rivoli (it started on 24 April and it will run until 25 May). The exhibit features the "personal and intimate" vision of Rui Palma within the DDD + FITEI atmosphere and the meetings with the artists of the Semana + initiative.

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