Building Future

'Greater Porto' wants to bring more foreign direct investment to the Atlantic Seafront

an organisation made up of the municipalities of Porto, Vila Nova de Gaia and Matosinhos, will once again attend the MIPIM in Cannes.

Investment in the city demonstrates a dynamic and resilient real estate market in 2023

The Councillor for the Economy, Employment and Entrepreneurship looks ahead to this year with 'very positive prospects' as long as 'they let things work'

Hands in the ground, there's a heritage of more than 2,500 new trees to be planted

The children of the Escola Básica dos Correios primary school helped bring around 150 holm oak, holly and walnut trees to life at Parque da Cidade.

23 more students from Escola do Cerco school join the 'Música para Todos' programme

The 5th graders received their musical instruments from the hands of the Mayor of Porto and the Councillor for Education.

Volunteers recover over a hundred computers for social institutions

122 computers - with some kind of anomaly - were handed in by the community and recovered by the 70 pairs of volunteer hands who joined the municipal project ReBOOT.

Seventeen new tourist accommodations awarded the 'Trust Porto' seal

This initiative demonstrates the municipality's commitment to qualifying the tourist accommodation sector and recognising excellence in service provision.

City hosts key events in the European digital and climate transition strategy

The Implementation Lab and the Mayor's Summit of the Intelligent Cities Challenge are scheduled for 18 and 19 June.

Climate change innovation requires sharing and people-centred solutions

UN Director of Global Innovation on Climate Change, Massamba Thioye and the Deputy Mayor of Porto met in an event at CEiiA.

Programme to integrate migrants into the labour market returns in March

The third edition of Porto_4_All programme kicks off on 4 March.

Porto de Economia wants to be more ambitious in attracting talent and investment

More than 50 companies, entrepreneurs, academic bodies and other economic agents met at the Alfandega Porto Congress Centre.