Out of doors

Feira do Livro do Porto has begun, this year with a “more emotional feature”

Emotions are felt in the tribute to the recently deceased Ana Luísa Amaral, the honored author of the event.

Open water swimming back to the Douro River after 43 years of interregnum

More than 200 swimmers are already confirmed for the first edition of Douro Bridges Porto & Gaia Open Water, to be held on September 4, in Douro River.

Porto Half Marathon takes place on September 18

The Hyundai Porto Half Marathon returns to the road on September 18, with two distances: the Half Marathon, with 21,097 kilometers, and the Mini Marathon with 5 kilometers, the latter for all ages. Enrollments are ongoing.

Palácio de Cristal restores the colour of its Jardim do “Buxo”

In addition to the recuperation of the vegetation layer, there was also an intervention at pavement level.

It is already possible to plan a visit to the exhibition of D. Pedro's heart before it leaves for Brazil

On 20 and 21 August, the heart will be exposed in the Salão Nobre of Irmandade da Lapa.

After downtown marathon, the sound of jazz music marks the begging of Porto Pianofest

From today until August 9th, Porto Pianofest presents concerts by established artists and "future stars of the music world" in various locations around the city.

The Book Fair is coming, which is “more than a book fair”

From August 26 to September 11, literature will reign, combined with a cultural program that includes more than 100 activities. Ana Luísa Amaral is the honoured author of this edition.

Porto Blues Fest returns greener to the gardens of Palácio de Cristal

The 5th edition of Porto Blues Fest will take place on the 29th and 30th of July in the gardens of Palácio de Cristal, with a poster featuring national and foreign names and an environmental awareness campaign, to be held for the first time.

At the end of the summer, there is MIMO and lots of world in the Historic Centre of Porto

From September 23rd to 25th, the Historic Centre of Porto celebrates culture and heritage with MIMO, a festival of Brazilian origin, democratic, diverse, multi-gender, egalitarian and multi-territorial.

From Porto to mobile phones, the letters that travel in the memories of those who visit the city

The six blue characters of the “Porto.” brand are back at the top of Avenida dos Aliados, as well as the irresistible attractive effect they produce on those who visit the city. Nobody goes through there without taking a picture of the letters.