Out of doors

Tickets already available for the biggest music industry event worldwide

More than 260 artists worldwide, 520 record labels and distributers, four hundred government and educational institutions, 800 agents, more than 610 managers and 300 producers, and nearly 1250 companies from more than 50 countries, are going to be in Porto for WOMEX – Worldwide Music Expo 2021. The biggest music industry event will take place on 27 -31 October and the tickets for the concerts are already available.

This is a city special at Serralves

The “Serralves em Luz” project to refresh and recharge body and soul, which started on 29 July and will go on until 17 October. The dream of an “ambitious visual and sensory experiment that transports the visitor to different perceptions between the real and the imaginary” is a dream come true with the 24 installations that illuminate the three kilometres in Serralves.

Step into the Patio of the University of Porto and rejoice with simple pleasures

The cultural highlights of these past evenings at the U. Porto included cinema, theatre, music, toads and frogs (!) and concludes on 1 August the Teatro Universitário do Porto (TUP) takes to the stage the performance ‘Mono’, by Joana Mont Alverne: “It is a tribute to the ‘lifeless monos [word used to describe people who do not experience a true life, who do not fully enjoy and feel alive], or to the ‘mono-people’.

“Hello darkness my old friend!”

The next “Noite com Morcegos”, aka “Evening with Bats” happens on 6 August, but there are other dates in the timetable that will give you this unique opportunity to enter a not-to-miss nocturnal adventure in the city’s parks and green spaces.

Bright summer special in Serralves

The dream of an “ambitious visual and sensory experiment that transports the visitor to different perceptions between the real and the imaginary” is a dream come true with the 24 installations that illuminate the three kilometres in Serralves. This is the “Serralves em Luz” project to refresh and recharge body and soul, starting on 29 July and going until 17 October.

Nocturnal trip for that thrilling feeling in the park

How about spending some free time getting to know bats better? The fourth out of the seven organised evenings to watch up close how these mammals live happens on 6 August at the Parque Oriental. This initiative marks the 30th anniversary of the years of the Agreement for the Conservation of Bats in Europe, under the Bonn Convention.

Lots of exciting ways and places to get to know Circus Arts in the Northern Region

The itinerary circus project “De Volta à Praça”, that gathers the great artistic companies of the Coliseu Porto Ageas and the São João National Theatre is travelling the Northern Region of Portugal, featuring performances and puppet workshops during the easing of lockdown, with people, children and adults alike taking to the streets to get to know what circus magic really means. The cycle concludes in Porto on 17, 18 and 19 September, at Casa das Artes.

Warm Up resumes original format and offers an array of events of delight in the Gardens of the Palácio de Cristal

Following a first weekend devoted to spoken word at the Campo Alegre Municipal Theatre, the Warm Up is going outside and resumes its original programming at the Gardens of Palácio de Cristal, where the Porta-Jazz Festival will make this a perfectly formed weekend.

Extension of the Ramalde Skate Park will deliver twice the space and the much awaited pool

Two years after the start of the works of the Skate Park de Ramalde, the space is due to be extended and the number one reason for doing so is as simple as this: the adhesion to the Skate Park was huge and that alone justifies the municipal investment of 160 thousand euros. All is estimated to be set by autumn time.

The school term brings special holiday dates with the Mission Férias@Porto

The municipal programme Missão Férias@Porto delivers eight weeks of fun and pedagogical activities to the over 660 children, of which 64% reside in the city of Porto. And although this is the second time that this mission is held amid the pandemic, everything is done according to the safety measures issued by the DGS. Also, Special Educational Needs' students get the chance to try out all sorts of cultural and sports activities. This mission is great!