Out of doors

Bats and facts at the Gardens of Palácio de Cristal: embrace the adventure

Discover the most amazing facts about bats that most people are not aware of during the "Evenings with Bats" [Noites com Morcegos] initiative, on 25th September. The journey lasts from 7pm to 9pm, guided by the CEA - Environmental Education Centre, at the Gardens of Palácio de Cristal.

Duo Rubrum take to the stage at Rivoli on 26th September

Carolina Andrade and Romeu Curto, vocals and guitar, respectively, make up the Duo Rubrum and will take to the stage at Rivoli, on 26th September, at 5pm. This concert is held in partnership with the Curso de Música Silva Monteiro.

Municipal Audio Room opens on 26th September with a careful selection of 35 thousand vinyl records

The Municipal Vinyl Audio Room of Porto City Hall (Fonoteca Municipal de Vinil da Câmara do Porto- FMP) opens doors on 26th September, between 2pm and 7pm. The facilities, which are part of the Plataforma Campanhã, in the Arda Complex, are a space devoted to appreciating music, audio-visual, sound and the music industry at large, featuring circa 35 thousand vinyl records, both national and international productions, which the public will have the possibility to explore.

Porto International Puppet Festival is back this October

Once again, puppets are brought to life, objects and matter, but this year, this edition is one to "challenge the audiences to rethink the world and things in a different perspective, in order to rediscover our old and undeterred humankind". FIMP kicks off on 9th October.

International Conference to debate two hundred years of constitutionalism in Portugal

The commemoration programme of the 1820 Liberal Revolution bicentennial continues, this week, on 24th September, at 9am, with the international conference themed "Dois séculos de constitucionalismo eleitoral em Portugal (1820-2020)" (Two centuries of electoral constitucionalism in Portugal (1820-2020).

Go see art at Porto Municipal Gallery and enjoy a visual feast this weekend

Porto Municipal Gallery features two exhibitions that are access free: "Prémio Paulo Cunha e Silva -- 2.nd edition" and "Waves and Whirlpools". Operating hours are from Tuesday to Sunday, between 10am and 6pm.

An awe-inspiring exhibit that will unveil Monet and Klimt artwork at Porto Customs

Porto Customs inaugurated quite the vibrant set of exhibitions, as visitors are presented with the digital immersive experience of the artwork by two renowned world class painters - Klimt and Monet. The exhibit features holograms and 360 degree view projections of paintings by these iconic painters of the first two decades of the 20th century. Entrance is free to children up to five years old.

"Yojimbo" by Akira Kurosawa premieres on 24th September

The auditorium at Campo Alegre Theatre premieres the film Yojimbo", on 24th September, under the cinema cycle devoted to the filmography by renowned Japanese director Akira Kurosawa.

Serralves devotes the weekend to Yoko Ono's artwork and features a cinema cycle

Serralves Museum features a cinema cycle devoted to the artwork by the Japanese-American Conceptual and Performance Artist and musician Yoko Ono, with the screening of seven short-films and the long-film "Imagine", on 19th and 20th September, respectively. This cinema cycle is held in the framework of the exhibition "The Learning Garden of Freedom" by Yoko Ono, which inaugurated last May, and will be on show at the Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art till 15th November.

Free skate classes continue on weekdays and weekends till September ends

Skating lessons continue throughout September, following the strengthening of the number of free sessions that kicked off in July, which were extended in August. Skaters are still able to profit from these free classes both on weekdays and weekends at the Skate Park de Ramalde, namely on Mondays and on Thursdays, between 5.30pm and 7.30pm, and over the weekend, every Saturday and Sunday, between 10am and 12 noon, weather permitting.