
Church of Santa Clara reopens masterful and golden after restauration work

The reopening ceremony of Igreja de Santa Clara took place after five years in which it was sheltered from the view of the world, whose gaze is now most desired.

“I could write a song” and “OraculÁreas” are the next activities of Cultura em Expansão

The play “I could write a song”, by Nuno Lucas, and the project “OraculÁreas”, by Ana Rocha, will be presented on October 22nd and 23rd, at the Auditorium of the Musical Group of Miragaia and at the Pavilion of Escola EB 2/3 Irene Lisboa.

Teatro Nacional São João reopens to the public on Friday

Next weekend Teatro Nacional São João will reopen, with a fresh face after rehabilitation and modernization works that have been underway for the past nine months.

Short film shot in Porto wins an award in Canada

The film premiered in March in the Berlinale (Berlin’s cinema Festival) and is the result of a real encounter of the director, after moving to Porto.

Puppets are back on stage and will have a documentation centre

From Friday on FIMP - Festival Internacional de Marionetas do Porto (Puppets Porto International Festival) comes back for its 32nd Edition. 21 shows will be presented, with 38 presentations.

Porto’s International Queer Film Festival introduces a new competitive section

Porto’s International Queer Film Festival is currently ongoing until next Saturday, October 16th.

Miró’s collection arrived successfully to Porto and it’s in exhibition at the renewed Casa de Serralves

Fundação de Serralves opened Joan Miró’s exhibition : Signs and Symbols, on Friday`s evening, at the renewed Casa de Serralves, whose renovation works, conducted by Álvaro Siza Vieira, were funded by Porto council.

Tickets already available for the biggest music industry event worldwide

More than 260 artists worldwide, 520 record labels and distributers, four hundred government and educational institutions, 800 agents, more than 610 managers and 300 producers, and nearly 1250 companies from more than 50 countries, are going to be in Porto for WOMEX – Worldwide Music Expo 2021. The biggest music industry event will take place on 27 -31 October and the tickets for the concerts are already available.

This is a city special at Serralves

The “Serralves em Luz” project to refresh and recharge body and soul, which started on 29 July and will go on until 17 October. The dream of an “ambitious visual and sensory experiment that transports the visitor to different perceptions between the real and the imaginary” is a dream come true with the 24 installations that illuminate the three kilometres in Serralves.

Porto PianoFest sixth edition brings international artists to different venues in the city

Porto PianoFest 6th edition kicked off yesterday and will run until 8 August, with concerts in several spaces in town. A programme novelty this year is the artistic residencies for musicians. “Vem ouvir pianistas de topo”, which translates as “Come listen top-level pianists” (free translation] is the motto for this edition of Porto PianoFest, an event that gathers internationally recognised pianists in town, who will offer concerts and masterclasses.