
Porto Municipal Theatre lays out a new digital project in different artistic realms

This season, Porto Municipal Theatre (TMP) features both in-person and online performances. The TMP invited eight artists to provide a special artistic creation and offer audiences new insights on the cultural realm. The project is called PAR(S) – Artes Performativas e Imagem Online [Online Performance Arts and Image”, free translation] and it kicks on 1st December, with Cláudia Varejão and Joana Castro, director and choreographer and dancer, respectively.

Meet Santa Claus at the Hard Club, on 29th November, at 11am

The Cultura em Expansão will take Santa Claus to the Hard Club, on 29th November, at 11am. The performance “Olá, eu sou o Pai Natal” [“Hi, I’m Santa Claus”, free translation] will be delivered by Tiago Barbosa, who gives the traditional tale a twist. Barbosa will play around the modern character of Santa Claus, based on the historical Saint Nicholas, raising awareness on global issues such as gifts and the consumer society.

Three plays take to the stage at TeCA, by A Turma

The company A Turma takes to the stage at the Theatre Carlos Alberto (TeCA), between 26th and 29th November. The theatre company presents three shows, with the premiere of Airbnb & Nuvens “Uma rádio novela” on Thursday, 26th November, directed by Manuel Tur with a text by Luísa Costa Gomes. The cycle includes the play “Alma”, directed by Tiago Correia, and concludes with “Wake Up”, a monologue based on a text by Eric Bogosian, and co-created by António Afonso Parra and Luís Araújo.

Architecture on display: unpublished work by Álvaro Siza at Marques da Silva Foundation

The Foundation Marques da Silva (FIMS) features two exhibitions on the work by the first Portuguese Pritzker Prize, Álvaro Siza; this is the chance to appreciate unpublished work by the renowned architect. “Siza – Inédito e Desconhecido” and “Mais que Arquitetura” are the telling exhibits that open doors to the Casa-Atelier and the Palace Lopes Martins. The exhibitions inaugurated on 17th October and can be visited until 17th April 2021, between 2pm and 6pm.

Double Trouble this week at Porto Municipal Theatre

Porto Municipal Theatre discloses new ways of interacting with audiences. This is Double Trouble time and the first edition happens on 26th and 27th November, at Campo Alegre.

Porto Municipal Gallery features “Nets of Hyphae”, on 4th December

Porto Municipal Gallery inaugurates the exhibit themed “Nets of Hyphae”, by Diana Policarpo and curated by Stefanie Hessler, director of the Kunsthall Trondheim, on 4th December.

Art and Spot Gallery in Porto displays wit caricature virtual exhibition on Picasso

The Art and Spot Gallery, in Porto, at Alameda Shop & Spot offers regular exhibitions on caricatures and cartoon artwork on renowned personalities. The art spot offers wit caricatures of Picasso, famous painter, who also was a caricaturist, till the end of November.

Bienal’21 Fotografia do Porto Open Call receives applications until 30th November

Applications for the Bienal’21 Fotografia do Porto Open Call are running until 30th November. Applications to the support programme are free and the aim is to select two winners: an artist or collective, Portuguese or foreigner, one residing in Portugal and the other in Spain. Results will be announced on 14th December.

Fascinating facts and trivia about the city of Porto

Porto offers amazing peculiarities that make it what it is and always has been: unique. From its name – Porto – to the reason why its inhabitants are called “tripeiros”, get to know some of the most fascinating aspects of The Invicta.

Cultura em Expansão is back as of 23rd November in two new locations in town

Starting on 23rd November, the "Cultura em Expansão" is back to two new venues and wit new timetables. All events are to take place in Passos Manuel and the Hard Club. The closing performance still features at Theatre Rivoli, with Blind Zero and the Orquestra Juvenil da Bonjóia. Also, to comply with the mandatory curfew, the performances’ schedule was altered and will start earlier than usual.