
Book "Eating à la Porto" is candidate to best food book in the world

The book on cuisine titled "À Moda do Porto", "Eating a la Porto" in the English language version, has won the national stage of The Gourmand World Cookbook Awards. The book is now competing with editions of other countries for "The Best in the World" Award.

Collective exhibition features paintings, drawings, sculpture, photographs and signed pieces

Porto Oriental Gallery displays a collective exhibit till 17 February, featuring artists' work from the fields of painting, drawing, sculpture, photography and signed pieces, ranging from checkboxes, tiles, pins, toys, postcards and books.

Tiles from the Public Library appear in book form

A water-colour book devoted to the iconic "azulejos" [tiles] used in building the Public Library façade is presented on 16 December at the Municipal Library, at 4 pm.

São João National Theatre features "Macbeth" and premieres three plays at the beginning of 2018

The first quarter programming regarding the coming year of 2018 of São João National Theatre opens with Benjamin Britten's opera. Till the end of March, the highlights are the three scheduled premieres and the presentation of "Macbeth".

Lisbon Metropolitan Orchestra brings to the stage in Coliseu Porto The Messiah by Handel

The Christmas Concert of Coliseu Porto has been set for 18 December, at 9.30 pm. The single presentation features The Messiah by Handel. With Argentinian maestro Leonardo García Alarcón conducting, this will be a time for a unique rendition of the iconic "Hallelujah", sung by the Lisboa Cantat Choir and conducted by Jorge Carvalho Alves.

Once upon a time, Father Christmas and other Xmas gift-bringers

The Guerra Junqueiro Museum opens a visual display that tells the history of Father Christmas and other mythical or folkloric gift-bringing figures who appear around the Christmas period, since the 17th century. The opening is on 14 December, starting at 6.30 pm.

Musical "Fã" brings band "Clã" to São João National Theatre

The children and teenagers musical performance "Fã" is coming to the stage today 13 December, at São João National Theatre. This musical opened at Carlos Alberto Theatre (TeCA) last January.

Porto Best Of calls on electronic music revival, 14 December at Rivoli

The cycle of performances sponsored by the Municipality of Porto encompasses 19 bands that go on stage 14 December and include Repórter Estrábico, Holy Nothing and the Mirror People. Starting at 9.30 pm, the last show of the year of the Porto Best Of initiative, curated by Miguel Guedes, offers three concerts to tell the story of electronic music made in Porto.

Porto Municipal Gallery features exhibition by António Cachola

"10000 anos depois entre Vénus e Marte" [10000 years later between Venus and Mars] is the title of the latest exhibition on display at Porto Municipal Gallery. The exhibit opened last weekend and it includes the work of artists from different generations and features, for the first time, a number of new acquisitions from the Collection António Cachola.

Literary Café to read and hear the poetry of Jorge de Sena

The Literary Café Cycle takes you to the "The piano in Senas' poetry", at Municipal theatre Campo Alegre, on 8 December at 6.30 pm. António Durães recites some of the poems from the book "Arte de Música" by Jorge de Sena. The musical pieces that inspired such poems will be evoked during this coffee-social gathering, namely Bach, Mozart, Chopin, Satie and Debussy, interpreted by Sofia Lourenço on the piano.