
Daniel Innerarity inaugurates the Academic year at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto

Daniel Innerarity, a full Professor of Philosophy and listed as the 25 world's most influential thinkers, by the prestigious French magazine Le Nouvel Observateur, will proffer the Inaugural Lecture at the official ceremony marking the start of the academic year at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto, today, 16th October, at the Grand Hall of the Faculty, starting at 5.30pm. Entrance is free.

FIMP or puppets in motion at the Invicta

Everyone at FIMP is pleased as punch to let you in the superior art of puppetry. The programme runs until 20th October. Check it out!

Porto-Russia celebrate 240 years of diplomatic relations

The 6th Week of the Russian Culture is running in Porto, from today, 15th until 18th October. Concurrently, the Portuguese-Russian Economic Forum is also being held during this week.

The message is very clear: Mayor Rui Moreira claims specific regulation on specific drug use contexts

Mayor Rui Moreira and his team have this solid ambition to reach a society free of the problems caused by drugs; as such, the city's policies were arranged so as to regenerate the social network that involves a coordinated global approach to meet the problems of all the disadvantaged people, be them drug users, homeless people or mental health affected people.

The world through the eyes of National Geographic: 130 years displayed in Porto

The renovated Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto hosts the National Geographic exhibit themed "Um Século e Tanto" ["Quite a Century", free translation], from 18th October 2019 till 19th July 2020, celebrating the 130 years of National Geographic's important work in the world, namely through objects, photographs, maps and excerpts of documentaries.

INTHERWASTE seminar in Porto debates waste deposit in heritage cities

The INTHERWASTE thematic seminar in Porto kicks off on 16th October at Porto Innovation Hub to debate "Waste Deposit in Heritage Cities/ Heritage Areas of Cities".

Researcher at i3S is awarded a scholarship by the European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO)

Eunice Ferreira, a student taking a doctor's degree in cellular and molecular biotechnology Saúde (BiotechHealth) at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar of the University of Porto, has been granted a scholarship by the European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO).

A Herdade, in Campo Alegre Theatre, attracts a lot of participants

The film by Tiago Guedes, A Herdade, on screen at Campo Alegre movie theatre, reaches the 50 thousand spectators mark within a mere two weeks on cinema screening.

Super Bock Arena - Pavilhão Rosa Mota sold out inauguration concert calls for a second opening

Super Bock Arena - Pavilhão Rosa Mota sold out inauguration concerts calls for a second opening. Ornatos Violeta will take to the stage, again, on 1st November.

This is your ticket for a worthwhile event: the Forum of the Future crossing in Porto runs from 3 to 9 November!

A prime list of panelists will share their wisdom with the crowd, namely Danny Glover, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Vandana Shiva. The Forum's key word is "Voyage" and it will lead to the circumnavigation era and to analyse occupation and appropriation of identity, as well as the profound changes in our civilization.