
Free screening process to HIV/AIDS all around Porto

This activity by the CAD VIH/SIDA Porto is held under the action plan of the Municipality of Porto themed "Porto, Cidade Sem Sida" ["Porto, City without Aids", free translation]. Its main goal is to provide the suitable answers to local needs, thus helping to meet the strategy 90-90-90 goals set by the Municipality in May 2019.

Fashion, gastronomy and décor all in one place: Espaço T, this 10th October

This coming Saturday, 10th October, the association Espaço T features another edition of its Mercado de Vilar, an event that provides items and goods offered by known Portuguese brands with the purpose of raising funds to the institution's activities.

Children are having a ball in eight neighbourhoods in Porto

Thanks to the municipal programme "Desporto no Bairro" ["Sports in the Hood", free translation], breakdancing is breaking boundaries towards social benefits for children and youth in the Invicta.

Viaduct of Andresas wins Global Future Design Awards 2020 for Urban Design

The viaduct of Andresas won the Global Future Design Awards 2020, in the Urban Design category, sixteen years after its inauguration under the Euro 2004. This flyover was built in the framework of the European football competition and to improve accessibility to the football stadium of Bessa, by architect Manuel Ventura.

2001- A Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick on show at Rivoli

Over 50 years after being directed and released in theatres, the epic drama on adventure and space exploration "2001- A Space Odyssey", by Stanley Kubrick, takes to the big screen at Municipal Theatre Rivoli.

No matter the season, Porto offers activities to entertain during the weekend

Rather than "cocooning" from cooler days, take time to rediscover Porto this fall season; the options are multiple. For starters, the Municipal Audio Room (aka Fonoteca Municipal de Vinil da Câmara do Porto- FMP) opened doors on 26th September and now tells a fascinating story. Another option is to take part in the municipal initiative "Days with Energy" to boost stamina and wellbeing levels or perhaps, your favourite moments over the weekend are to be spent journeying the Rectory of the...

Guess how much I miss you in the autumn, this 3rd October, at the Municipal Library Almeida Garrett

The Municipal Library Almeida Garrett opens doors to family activities as of October, following a shutdown period due to the ongoing pandemic. The first session kicks off on 3rd October, at 3.30pm and participants will be invited to the reading of the English short story "Guess how much I miss you in the autumn", delivered by the British Council.

Coliseu Porto Ageas celebrates World Music Day with clarinettist Carlos Ferreira

Coliseu Porto Ageas and the Portuguese Philharmonic Orchestra organise the Concert with Commentaries "from Mozart to Beethoven", featuring works by these two major composers of all times. The concert takes place on 1st October, at 9.30pm and marks the return of the clarinettist from Porto, Carlos Ferreira to the Invicta.

Think of digital touring as you would an on-site visit: it's the best way to get mileage out of one of your favourite spots in Porto

The Aquaporto Festival kicks off on 1st October, at the City Park. Under the motto "O FUTURO É HOJE" aka "THE FUTURE IS TODAY". The event takes on a digital format and the main goal is to raise awareness on the need to care about water.

The University of Porto makes headway as the leading University in Portugal

The highest scores were registered at the University of Porto, regarding the National Competition for Access to Higher Education 2020/2021. Three out of the five courses with the highest score are from the UP. The number of students to apply to a faculty of the UP as a 1st choice represents almost the double of the available vacancies. A total of 4715 students were admitted to degrees at the UP, which means that 100, 5% of the study programmes of the faculties of the UP were chosen by...