
Chapel roof repair works at the Agramonte Cemetery have commenced

Porto City Hall commenced the rehabilitation works of the vaulted ceiling of the chapel at the Agramonte Cemetery, an endeavour that comprises the replacement of the building roof, with the deployment of a waterproof canvas, and the repair of the metallic coating sealing as well, at the bureau higher floor.

Joint operational training assessed Porto and Lisbon

The Disaster Search Dog-Handler Team of Porto City Hall, set up by elements of Porto Firefighter's Battalion performed operational special training drills, jointly with the Lisbon Firefighters Battalion. This initiative was carried out between 30th September and 2nd October and it involved a total of 13 elements; from Porto, the mission included eight operatives and four dogs, and from Lisbon, the mission comprised five operatives and seven dogs. The training also featured three operational...

Exhibition on the Art of Forgery at Porto Customs

Over 200 counterfeit paintings, seized in the past 15 years by the North Department by the Judiciary Police (PJ) are on display at Porto Customs. "The Art of Forgery" ("A Arte do Falso") gathers replicas of artwork by Picasso, Júlio Pomar, Cesariny, Malangatana, Amadeo Souza Cardoso, and unusual objects, as well, quite revealing of the criminal ingenuity. "The Art of Forgery" can be visited from Tuesdays to Friday, from 10am to 6pm, and on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 10am to 7pm, for...

Cultura em Expansão offers a game changer cinema session in Campanhã

The Military Headquarter of Bela Vista, in the Park São Roque da Lameira, features two free cinema sessions, on 18th October, at 9.30pm. Entrance is free (subject to prior ticket collection - max 2 per person - on site, within two hours before the beginning of the show and subject to room availability). The films to be screened are a short film by Edgar Pêra, jointly presented with the Instituto Moderno do Porto, Invicta Film. It is a documentary of the country in 1916 and it is accompanied...

The University of Porto dressed up to welcome the new students

The building of the Rectory of the University of Porto dressed up to welcome the new students for the academic year 2020/2021. As tradition, newcomers are gifted a welcoming Kit, which takes place in an especially arranged space, following all the health measures, from 12 to 23 October. The kit includes a t-shirt, a tote bag, a cape and a bracelet that ensures privileged access to museums and venues in the city of Porto, and also a week free of the UPFit programme.

Streets at Foz Velha are to receive new handrails to pedestrian accessibility

People coming and going in the streets of Foz Velha will have new street equipment that will make their lives easier to literally help them in their right of way. The endeavour to install handrails in a setup of streets in that area, thus improving pedestrian accessibility both for residents and visitors, was advanced by porto City Hall. The streets in this area are narrow and deeply steep, which causes constraints to residents' mobility. Handholds and railings will be installed, under the...

Queer Porto 6th edition kicks off on 13th October

Queer Porto is back in Rivoli from 13 to 17 October. This is the 6th edition of this International Cinema Festival and programme comprises as diversified and relevant film selection and activities.

Porto City Hall helps fund the cleansing of Santo António hospital façade 250 years after the first brick was laid

Santo António Hospital in Porto marks 250 years and announces the renewal of the building façade by the Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto, with the support of Porto City Hall. Upon invitation by the Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto, the owner of the building, to join the initiative, and seeing that the renovation of this national landmark building is especially significant for the City Hall, Porto City Hall has unanimously approved the initiative.

French Film Festival takes to Porto from 29th October to 4th November

The French Cinema Festival is back for the 2020 edition and features premieres and a selection of French films that haven't yet been released in Portugal. The festival tours four cities - Lisbon, Porto, Coimbra and Almada and it takes to the Invicta from 29th October to 4th November, at Teatro Rivoli and Cine Trindade.

World Food Day is celebrated at the Faculty of Medicine with a cycle of conferences

During the pandemic, especially during lockdown, the risks of a poor diet were more visible, either regarding disruptive food behaviours or obesity issues, and the resulting diseases. Experts will explain how a balanced nutrition can help fight infections, the importance of food choices in intestinal microbiota and the connection between sedentariness and problems with weight.