News Porto.

EU Prize for Women Innovators 2020 granted to alumna of the U. Porto

Alumna from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP) and holder of a PhD in Chemistry, Maria de Fátima Lucas is one of the three winners of the EU Prize for Women Innovators 2020, worth 100 thousand euros. The EU Prize for Women Innovators recognises female entrepreneurs who are real game-changers in various fields of the industry by advancing exceptional innovation into the market.

ScaleUp Porto promotes the city's technology ecosystem at European level

The municipal initiative ScaleUp Porto takes part in one of the most relevant technological events in Europe, the TNW (The Next Web) Conference 2020, on 1st and 2nd October, in a digital format. It is estimated that over 25 thousand participants will network and boost business opportunities.

Coliseu Porto Ageas celebrates World Music Day with clarinettist Carlos Ferreira

Coliseu Porto Ageas and the Portuguese Philharmonic Orchestra organise the Concert with Commentaries "from Mozart to Beethoven", featuring works by these two major composers of all times. The concert takes place on 1st October, at 9.30pm and marks the return of the clarinettist from Porto, Carlos Ferreira to the Invicta.

Go visit a wave of different objects at the Rectory of the UP made of garbage collected in Porto Beaches

Sea Monsters is the theme of the exhibit jointly organized by the Interdisciplinary Center of Maritime and Environmental Investigation (CIIMAR) and the campaign Ocean Action Hub. The result is a set of sculptures and installations by Ricardo Nicolau de Almeida in the entrance hall of the Rectory building, which will be on display till 31 December.

Celebrations of the 1820 Liberal Revolution centennial resume with a book launch and an exhibition

Thursday, 1st October marks two highlights in the Bicentennial of 1820 Liberal Revolution. The inauguration of an exhibition at the Military Museum on the prelude of the 24th August and the launch of a book that recounts the 40 days that have changed Portugal, authored by Vital Moreira and José Domingues.

Cineclube do Porto celebrates 75 years with a special programming

Cineclube do Porto, the oldest film society in Portugal celebrates its 75th anniversary. These film clubs enable people to watch films that are not screened in mainstream cinemas. The Cineclube do Porto was established on 13th April 1945, at the height of the Salazar dictatorship, at the Alexandre Herculano High School, in Porto. The original name of the film society was "Clube Português de Cinematografia", but the name that endured thus far is "Cineclube do Porto" and after 75 years, it is...

Think of digital touring as you would an on-site visit: it's the best way to get mileage out of one of your favourite spots in Porto

The Aquaporto Festival kicks off on 1st October, at the City Park. Under the motto "O FUTURO É HOJE" aka "THE FUTURE IS TODAY". The event takes on a digital format and the main goal is to raise awareness on the need to care about water.

The University of Porto makes headway as the leading University in Portugal

The highest scores were registered at the University of Porto, regarding the National Competition for Access to Higher Education 2020/2021. Three out of the five courses with the highest score are from the UP. The number of students to apply to a faculty of the UP as a 1st choice represents almost the double of the available vacancies. A total of 4715 students were admitted to degrees at the UP, which means that 100, 5% of the study programmes of the faculties of the UP were chosen by...

"Ikiru" by Akira Kurosawa on the big screen at Campo Alegre Theatre

The long film "Ikiru" premieres on 1st October, at the auditorium of Campo Alegre Theatre. It is another great film by one of the most acknowledged Japanese film directors of all times, Akira Kurosawa. This will be a first commercial premiere in Portugal.

It's time for a new chapter: the Municipal Audio Room opened doors on 26th September

The Municipal Vinyl Audio Room of Porto City Hall (Fonoteca Municipal de Vinil da Câmara do Porto- FMP) opened doors on 26th September, with a careful selection of 35 thousand vinyl records. It is true to say things have been polished and redefined and that as of last Saturday the public will have access to a large collection of phonograms in vinyl format, which was the result of two donations to the Municipal Sound Archive by Rádio Difusão Portuguesa and Rádio Renascença, back in 2008.