News Porto.

Key delivery ceremony of the first affordable housing in Porto Historic Centre

The Municipality of Porto carried out the official ceremony of the key handover of the first 14 houses under the affordable housing policy of Porto City Hall, namely via the municipal company Porto Vivo, SRU. These first 14 dwellings, located in Porto Historic Centre, at Morro da Sé, were assigned by the drawing of lots under the tender carried out by Porto Vivo, SRU. The ceremony, which was held at the Council chambers, was attended by Mayor Rui Moreira and Councillors Pedro Baganha and...

Porto Municipal Theatre new season is synonymous with dance

After six months of closure due to the new coronavirus pandemic, TMP new season comes back with dance as the main focus, with OCD Love, by Sharon Eyal and Gai Behar - renowned Israeli artists and founders of the dance company L-E-V, starting on 17th September, with all the necessary preventive measures issued by Health Authorities.

The Municipality of Porto is now a member of the European Film Commissions Network

The Municipality of Porto is now a member of the European Film Commissions Network (EUFCN), a non-profit association that supports and promotes the European film industry and culture, trough Porto Film Commission.

Shuttle supports international expansion of five new projects

The support programme for artistic globalization Shuttle is to boost five new projects, which were approved by the Municipal Executive's last meeting, on 20th July. The projects were submitted during the third phase of the tender, and the jury, composed of Miguel Leal, Fátima São Simão and Pedro Junqueira Maia, selected five projects, related to visual arts and curatorship and performing arts.

See why Jardim Botânico do Porto is home to gaudy splendour

Today, 21st July, participants will have a go at exploring the paths that are brimming with animals and plants, particularly the over 700 species of the camellia flower that fit to that garden in Porto. The Jardim Botânico do Porto was awarded the International Architecture Awards 2019. There will be another session on 28th July, as well as on 11th, 18th and 25th August and on 8th, 14th, 22nd and 19th September. All sessions are scheduled for 9pm.

Campo Alegre Theatre reopens and takes to the big screen a special programming

Cinema screenings are taking up again with a special programming to celebrate the occasion; the filmography by Spanish/Mexican director Luis Buñuel, which is on show at Campo Alegre from 11th June, under the "25x Buñuel" cinema cycle, features its last Buñuel screening on 26th July, with "That Obscure Object of Desire". Also on screen, this month, is a cycle devoted to the Japanese erotic film, which "has not always been known to the west". The cycle "O Roman Porno da Nikkatsu" features 10...

The Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) journey will have Porto as a mentor city

Through the "100 Intelligent Cities Challenge" project the European Commission will support the implementation of innovation strategies of circa 124 cities and Porto is one of the 10 European cities to have been selected as a mentor city, alongside Barcelona, Amsterdam, Antwerp and Singapore, among others.

Municipal programme invites for an evening with bats and shooting stars

The "Ambiente em Família" activity resumes on 24th July, after the shutdown due to the current pandemic, for two can't-miss activities. The first one to resume is the Evening with Bats - Noites de Morcegos - on 24th July, at Pasteleira Park. The second activity is held on 12th August, at Quinta do Covelo, the perfect time to gaze at a shooting star memorable moment, namely the Perseids. Prior registrations are mandatory.

The water pavilion is granted the "clean and safe" certification by the Turismo de Portugal

The entity Turismo de Portugal granted the "clean & safe" certification to the Water Pavilion, acknowledging that entity's compliance with the health recommendations issued by the directorate-general for health, under the covid-19 pandemic.

Poetry that reaches farther at the Casa Comum of the University of Porto

The utterance and verse of Andreia C. Faria can be met at the patio on the Museum of natural History and Science of the University of Porto (MHNC-UP) for the third session on poetry, promoted by the University of Porto, jointly with Porto Editora. Entrance is free, but subject to prior appointment at the Eventbrite portal, under the framework of the Covid-19 pandemic.