News Porto.

Porto discusses business opportunities at China International Import Expo

The city of Porto is in Shanghai to take part in the I China International Import Expo - CIIE, which runs from 5 to 10 November. The President of the Municipal Assembly, Miguel Pereira Leite, is in town to participate in the International Import Fair and was welcomed by the President of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Congress.

Experience art in person at Miguel Bombarda District

Saturday, 10 November, is the last 2018 cycle of Inaugurações Simultâneas [Simultaneous Openings] at Miguel Bombarda District. As of 4 pm, 15 galleries open doors and welcome everyone to experience art in person, the way to truly get a sense of its magnitude.

The Forum of the Future shows that culture awareness is not a figure of speech in Porto

The Forum of the Future is an annual event that gathers in the city of Porto renowned specialists and thinkers on a specific theme, and this year's edition is devoted to debating ancient times and civilizations in relation with contemporaneity, featuring names suh as Margaret Atwood, Toyo Ito, Walid Raad, Martin Crimp and many more.

European Capitals of Culture are defining a true European Union of Culture

Unity in Diversity, this was the motto of the first conference of the European Capitals of Culture, hosted at Palazzo Vecchio, in Florence, Italy. Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira, who is also in charge of the Cultural Department of Porto City Hall, signed the final statement of the Mayors of European capitals of Culture, during the first conference attended by the 45 cities Capitals of Culture.

"Voice for the Ocean Tour" Conference in Porto on 9 and 10 November! Save the date!

"Voice for the Ocean Tour" is heading to Porto on 9 and 10 November, came rain or shine, at the Forte de São João Baptista, in Foz, organised by the Surfrider Foundation, the international non-profit organisation established in 1990 by a group of surfers, which is evermore engaged in raising global awareness on the issue of climate change and polluted oceans worldwide, and this time on the Portuguese coast.

The dialogue of love at the Forum of the Future on 7 November at Rivoli

Marina Warner, writer and mythology expert and Beatriz Colomina, historian and architecture theorist present "Sympósion", depicting the Socratic tradition of dialogue in light of modern allegories, everyday fare and artistic practice, which are influenced by different viewpoints of love, sexuality, beauty and gender, on 7 November, at 9.30 pm at Rivoli.

Porto Bangkok convergence of will in the tourism sector

Porto and Bangkok have created a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), where the two parties agree to reach vital points of accord in establishing cooperation relationships in the tourism sector.

How Forbes and The Telegraph are drawing inspiration from the city of Porto

Forbes, the American business magazine, well known for its lists and rankings, features Porto as "the new hot destination in Portugal", and The Telegraph newspaper, described by the BBC as "one of the world's great titles", reviews "The best things to do in Porto". Come. Be inspired.

Vocal Group from Porto performs at the Prague Cantat 2018 International Competition

Vocal Group from Porto is in Check Republic representing Portugal at the Prague Cantat 2018. This competition gathers 22 vocal bands of 14 countries and it runs till 4 November in Prague.

André Aciman on how a writer reads memory and love at the Forum of the Future in Porto

For this American Writer, who was raised in a family who spoke French, Italian, Greek and Arabic, writing is "a way of liberating many things but in a way, it can also be a way of inhibiting so many other". André Aciman will be in Porto to talk about "Eros Unlimited: Excavating Desire", on 10 November at 7 pm, at Rivoli.