News Porto.

Six galleries in Porto display collective exhibition to demonstrate why galleries play an important role in society

Mayor Rui Moreira visited the collective exhibition, alongside Guilherme Blanc, who also participated in the project while responsible for the department of Contemporary Art and Cinema, and were joined by the commissioner of the project, Miguel von Hafe Pérez, touring the galleries included in the collective exhibition themed “Situação 21”.

Startup incubated in UPTEC raises five million euros in pre-seed funding

The startup incubated in UPTEC, Coverflex managed to secure the biggest investment round ever during the pre-seed funding, which is an early funding round in which investors provide a startup business with capital to develop its product. One of the goals of such project is to “change the way companies and workers view compensations beyond salaries”, as well as “increasing team retention”, writes Dinheiro Vivo, quoting coverflex’s news release.

Retailers celebrate Mother’s Day with customised gifts and treats

Mother’s Day is just around the corner; the date is marked on 2nd May and Porto City Hall is launching a campaign to support retail trading celebrate the date with customised gifts and treats, such as postcards, cards and customised wrappings that are also crosswords.

Short term loan of Aurélia de Sousa’s self-portrait to a temporary exhibition at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

The Ministry of Culture and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation requested a loan of the work “Santo António”, by Aurélia de Sousa, to Porto City Hall. This portrait is part of the collection of the Museu da Cidade (Casa Marta Ortigão Sampaio) and is to be displayed in the temporary exhibition themed “Tudo o que eu quero – Artistas portuguesas de 1900 a 2020”.

Photo exhibition in Porto subway stations honours health workers of Hospital S. João

“110 retratos de uma Luta” or “110 portraits of a fight” is the telling title of the photo exhibit by photographer Marcus Garcia, on display at Porto subway stations, to honour the frontline health workers at Hospital S. João who are fighting the pandemic.

Campo Alegre movie theatre reopens with cycle devoted to the work of Joseph Losey

On 19th April, cinema aficionados will be given free rein to enjoy some of the most memorable films by American director Joseph Losey.

Queimódromo, in the City Park, is on its way to becoming greener

The works at the City Park have kicked off. The endeavour includes the renaturation of circa 6.500 square metres of paved area in the Queimódromo, which will be a green area, with the planting of around 2.800 trees and bushes. These works are held in the framework of the third and last phase of the City Park’s renovation works, according to the project by professor and landscape architect Sidónio Pardal.

Second edition of “Fórum do Futuro: Vita Nova” is available as of 16th April

The first edition of the book “Fórum do Futuro: Vita Nova” was launched to mark the seventh edition of the Forum of the Future, which was not held due to the ongoing pandemic. Now out of print, the book will be reprinted and will be available for purchase, as of 16th April, at the Municipal Gallery of Porto and partner entities.

Porto City Race is back this May and registrations are ongoing

The 9th edition of Porto City Race pedestrian orienteering competition is back on 28th, 29th and 30th May. Following the cancellation of the race last year, due to the ongoing pandemic, the competition is back this year and registrations are now open. See here for further information.

The Municipality of Porto is installing sports equipment in 18 green spaces in the city

Go alfresco in Porto great outdoors, as the Municipality of Porto is installing sports equipment in 18 green spaces in the Invicta. It is a fact that physical activity in natural green outdoors promotes better quality of life and improves health.