News Porto.

Fairs and non-food markets to reopen in Porto

In line with the easing of the measures to fight Covid-19, which started on 5th April, fairs and non-food markets are to reopen in Porto, by decision of the Municipality of Porto, to whom the Government delegated decision powers. This measure is effective immediately and it does not include the Feira da Vandoma and the Feira do Cerco.

HIV/Aids Mobile Unit screening actions in Porto this April

The HIV/AIDS Mobile Unit screening actions for this month of April are already available. The CAD VIH/SIDA Porto (Centro de Aconselhamento e Deteção Precoce do VIH/SIDA do Porto), which is the Counselling Centre for the earlier HIV/AIDS diagnosis features monthly free planning regarding HIV/AIDS screening actions, in various locations in Porto. There is no need for previous registration. See here the dates, times and locations for this month.

Porto marks World Health Day with a campaign to boost a healthy life

Today, 7th April, is World Health Day and the Municipality of Porto marks this day with a campaign that raises people’s awareness to the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle.

Cultura em Expansão launches website and free online programming

“Uma Coisa Longínqua” by Teatro de Ferro, “Princesa Bruxa” by Ricardo Alves and Mariana Amorim, “Cortes do Porto” by Rui Catalão, “And so...? The end!” by Mariana Tengner de Barros and “Memoratório... do usado e preservado Grupo Musical de Miragaia” by the Confederação and Tânia Dinis are the shows on display at the new Cultura em Expansão website.

Boavista is home to a residential and retail building project of 28 million euros

The guidelines of the City’s General Plan (PDM) determine that what once was the site of the Fibra Comercial Lusitana Factory and a wannabe luxury building will now accommodate a residential and retail building project in the Foco area, next to the Avenida da Boavista.

Shuttle programme supports eight new internationalization projects

The first selected projects in the scope of the 2021 Shuttle municipal programme are revealed.These projects are supported following their approval, during the Executive Meeting, on 5th April, out of 20 applications submitted during the programme’s first phase, which concluded last 5th February. This is Shuttle’s fourth edition.

Museum of the Holocaust opened on 5th April and offers free entry until June

The first of its type in the Iberian Peninsula, the Museum of the Holocaust was scheduled to open on 27th January, the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. However, owing to the pandemic restriction measures, museums had to close doors. The Museum of the Holocaust inaugurated on 5th April and entrance is free until June.

Porto built a large-scale vaccination programme, but it needs vaccines in place

Porto City Hall has built a robust program for the administration of vaccines in the city, with a capacity to inoculate circa 2000 people per day; the drive-thru vaccination centre, set up in the Queimódromo, is ready to go since February. The Municipality of Porto has been in constant communication with the two ACES [Health Centre Groups) in the city and articulated the availability of vaccination sites.

New line to support the resumption of sports and physical activity in clubs and associations in Porto

There is a new support line in Porto, called “Retoma Desporto”, to provide 70 thousand euros to clubs and associations in the Invicta. This measure is proposed to minimise the impact of the pandemic restrictive measures; thus, it will help institutions buy sports material and medical equipment, during the phased easing of restrictions. Applications run until 21st April.

Porto is reshaping the iconic Batalha Cinema Centre

The Cinema Batalha is a pivotal building in the city of Porto. It speaks to the city’s first film screenings in the Salão High-Life, in 1906, owned by the company Neves & Pascaud, in what is today Boavista. The cinema was moved to its current site, the civil parish of Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau and Vitória, during the 1940’s, when architect Artur Andrade designed Batalha’s rehabilitation project. The building was re-inaugurated on 3rd June 1947.